Gym Buddy is for sale


Here’s a new unlocked startup for sale! 🔥

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Get smarter on AI in 5 minutes a day.

The Rundown is the world’s largest AI newsletter, read by over 600,000 professionals from companies like Apple, OpenAI, NASA, Tesla, and more.

Their expert research team spends all day learning what’s new in AI and gives you ‘the rundown’ of the most important developments in one free email every morning.

The result? Readers not only keep up with the insane pace of AI but also learn why it actually matters.


Gym Buddy — App that offers personalised workout programs using AI with €441 in TTM Revenue.

  • Asking Price: €8,000

  • TTM Revenue: €441

  • Business Model: Pay as you go tokens

  • Category: App

  • Based on the number of marketable contacts and the maturity of our platform we're asking for this price.

Seller details

That's it for this time! :)

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)