Landing Gallery is for sale


Here’s a new unlocked startup for sale! 🔥

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The easiest way to start your online business!

Tired of the 9-5 grind? Afraid of looking back 10… 20… 30 years from now and thinking…

“What if I’d launched my idea into an online business?”

Don’t let your entrepreneurial dreams escape!

If you can commit just 5 Days now, we’ll show you how to build and launch your online business. Even if you have zero tech skills.

Would it be worth 5 days to change the course of your life forever?

Tap learn more to grab onto this opportunity while you still can!


Landing Gallery — Directory of handpicked collections of the best landing page design inspiration with $500 in TTM revenue.

  • Asking Price: $10,000

  • TTM Revenue: $500

  • Avg. Monthly Revenue: $100

  • Business Model: Advertising

  • Category: Directory

  • Adding new sites is fully automated and can run on Vercel's free plan with about 2k visitors/mo

  • Site got over 33k unique visits in the past year

Seller details

That's it for this time! :)

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)